Friday, April 29, 2011

Life is a gift.

I got news today that my grandpa is not doing very well. He was rushed to the hospital and now I am at home waiting to hear what is going on with him. I feel sad inside and very guilty. I know that he would want me to be in NY but I can not help but feel like I should be home in Ohio. My whole family is there dealing with this and I feel helpless that I can not be there to do anything about it. I am sure I would just be taking up space in some waiting room, but I would be able to be with my family and tell my grandpa how much I love him.

I mention this because all I want to do is order junk food and chocolate cake. I would tell myself that everything is fine and "eat" my way through this pain until I was numb with fullness. Instead I  write, which I have found to be my new therapy and why I am writing now. I have realized that life is such a precious gift and I truly am done eating my way through it. I am also keeping busy because I have become very antsy. Please do not think I am heartless for posting at this time.

Here is what I have been eating the past couple of days.

Day 30- recovery day

27           pts                   food
25             2                     yogurt
24             1                    orange
22             2                   oats
21             1                   coconut
19             2                   2 pieces of toast
18             1                   turkey
17             1                    low-fat cheddar cheese
13             4                   2 makers mark and diet cokes
11            2                    oil dressing
11            0                     veggies
5               6                    1 meatball
0               5                   5 points worth of almonds

Day 31
27         pts              food
25           2              2 yogurts
26           1               turkey bacon
24           2              oats
23           1              small orange
22           1                coconut
14.5         7.5            homemade eggplant parm 1 serving
12.5          2              olive oil on veggies
12.5          0             asparagus and mushrooms
5             7.5            eggplant parm piece number so good
3             2                 2 points worth almonds, I felt like I needed some protein
2            1                 cracker whole wheat (2)
0           2                 hummus, again for the protein

What I have been doing is buying everything on the list of foods that I should be eating from the Loose weight in eight program and then I experiment with them. Cooking at home is fun and very tasty. Seriously. It is what I did last week and it worked so well. I hope the payoff is the same this week.

I also want to thank all of you who continue to read and give your support. Like I mentioned before, this has become a new therapy to me and the fact that you read this helps me and encourages me more than most of you will ever know. So thank you.

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