Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 2 Weigh In- Day 7!!!!

What a busy busy emotional weekend. I can honestly say I have never been so tired. My legs and feet have never hurt so much. For those of you who know what this means, I have "band camp" feet. Pay off - rent made in two days of work. Was it worth it- not really. 

I started this extravaganza feeling like a very strong woman who could accomplish anything. That all came to a crashing reality after my first of four shifts of the weekend. I am not going to bore you with the story but I wanted to cry at the end of the shift. I bring this up because of the emotional side of eating. Most of us know that food is comforting in time of stress and feeling crappy. I am proud to say that through all of this, I did not cheat and stayed within my points. In the past I would have binged, instead I stayed focused and pulled through for myself and for that I am proud! Below is my food log.

28    pts         food
27     1           egg whites with veggies
25     2          oil, I was at work where they use oil
20     5           chicken breast
14     6           goat cheese
14     0           veggies
12     2           oil
10     2           1/2 order of whole wheat pita
7       3           corn chips
5       2          guacamole
5       0          drink tasting at work

28    pts          food
27     1            egg whites with veggies
25     2            oil
20     5            chicken breast
14     6            goat cheese
12     2            oil
12     o            veggies
10     2            1/2 order of whole wheat pita
7       3            pita chips
5       2            hummus
5       0           margarita

I keep 10 extra points for drinks on Sunday, so I had two more margaritas after work for 10pts. (5 a piece)

Ok now for the good stuff!!!!!!!!   Did it work???
Week 2 weigh in: 188 (- 4 )     

180's so now I get 27 points a day, roughly 50 cals per point so roughly 1350 cals a day.  Plus the 35 bonus. 


Current weight                                                                  188
Total weight loss                                                                  4 lbs
Remaining weight to hit 10% loss                                       15 lbs

Remaining weight to hit 5%   loss                                        5.5 lbs

Long term goal weight                                                    150 (-38 lbs to go)   

I did not however do yoga sat or sun. To be honest, I had no time to. I am giving my legs a rest for the afternoon, but plan on doing yoga this evening. I have to get stronger, I can do this! Will also post day 7 food log at the end of the evening. 

Happy yes! Really really really happy no. I think I can do better than that. I am going to continue following the program and doing my best. How did you do? Lets keep it up guys!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I'm really proud of you for sticking with the plan during the stressful weekend. I always eat poorly when under stress...and I'm always under stress ;-)
