Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 3 Weigh in!

Sorry week three is a little late, my roommate and I decided last minute to go to Atlantic City. That being said, I did not bring my laptop and "unplugged" from the world for a couple of days. More about the trip in a post to follow. But first, the good stuff!

Week three weigh in: 186 (-2)

Current weight                                                                                                                                       186
Total weight loss                                                                                                                                       6
Remaining weight to hit 5% weight loss                                                                                                3.5
Remaining weight to hit 10%  weight loss                                                                                              13
Remaining to goal weight   (150)                                                                                                             36

180's so I still get 27 points a day, roughly 50 cals per point so roughly 1350 cals a day.  Plus the 35 bonus.  

Am I happy with this yes, it is a loss, but I still feel like I can do better. Weight for me is such a battle and I just want results NOW! I know a healthy way to lose weight is slow and steady because you are more likely to keep it off, but who wants slow or steady? I am looking back at my log and asking  myself if I am doing everything right or if I am cheating myself. I honestly think I am doing everything right. Giving myself activity points and staying within my daily points is all I can do. As my dad would say, "keep it up sweetheart, you are doing great." I also know that if you are in this with me, he would be saying the same to you. So come on sweethearts, lets keep it up! 

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