Friday, April 8, 2011

Activity points, I totally forgot!

You guys, I completely forgot about activity points. How could I forget that ,you get to eat more!! After working out, a 50 min. high impact yoga workout, this is what I found.

" Just 20 minutes at high intensity or 40 minutes at moderate intensity earns an activity PointsPlus value of 4." -Weight watchers web site.  4 points does that seem right? So I dug a little deeper. I found this on a weight watchers chat site. Its not as crazy as it sounds.

The first thing you need to do is determine your level of activity to calculate your weight watchers activity points. To determine your level of activity you can either use your heart rate or a speaking test. If you are using heart rate to calculate your weight watchers activity points then 40-54% of your max heart rate is light, 55-69% is moderate, and 70% or more is intense. If you are using the talking test to calculate your weight watchers activity points then if you can have a full normal conversation, it is light, you can speak but it is slightly difficult is moderate, and difficult to speak is intense. This is extremely important when determining your weight watchers activity points.
  • The next step to determine your weight watchers activity points is have the number of minutes of activity your completed as well as your current weight. You will want to then multiply your current weight by the number of minutes you worked out. For example, if you worked out for 30 minutes and you weight 150 pounds, you would get 4500.

  • Once you have the number from step two you will need to multiple that by the number that corresponds to your activity level (as determined in step 1)to figure out your weight watchers activity points. For light activity,multiple the number by .000232, for moderate activity multiply by .000327, and for intense workouts multiply by 0008077. For example, if you weighed 150 pounds and worked out for 30 minutes at an intense level you would multiply 150*30*0008077. In this example, the person earned 3.6 weight watchers activity points.

    For me: weight 188 x 40 =7520 x .0008077= 6.07 so 6 points!

  • Food log day 10
    27      pts        food
    25        2          skim milk
    22       1           frozen fruit
    21        1          1 piece of whole wheat toast no butter
    17        4          2 eggs scrambled
    16        1           fat-free cheese
    16         0          fresh tomato
    22        +6         activity points
    21        1           veggie burger in lettuce wrap
    19        2           organic raw cheddar cheese
    16        3            avocado
    12        4            1/2  order onion rings
    6           6            3 makers and diets
    0           6            weight watchers mac and cheese

    Food log day 11
    27       pts            food
    25       2               oil dressing
    25       0                veggies
    23       2               3 flatbread crackers, everything flavor
    16       7               weight watchers pizza
    13       3               vegetable samosa
    9         4               rice
    4         5               chicken tikka masala
    0         4               garlic nan 

    Tomorrow starts weekend work extravaganza so check in monday for my second weigh in!

    Read more: How to Figure Out Weight Watchers Activity Points |

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