Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 5 weigh in! 5% weight loss complete!

Week 5 and I am feeling better than ever! I had a really great week last week and it showed on the scale, I lost 4 lbs. I AM SO excited about this and it is a nice feeling when hard work pays off. The weather is getting warmer and I am getting smaller, bikini here I come. Only 22 days left.

Side note- I have already decided to continue on this journey until I hit my goal weight of 150, but not to worry I will be in a bikini in 22 days.

My secrete this week- hard work outs, fresh fruit and veggies, new attitude.

Current weight                                                             181 (-4)

Total weight loss                                                           - 11

5% weight loss complete!                                                -

Remaning weight to hit 10% weight loss                                   8

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                31

Here is exactly what I have been eating and my workouts. This stuff is really working!!! Follow along and get motivated!

Day 25- Athletic Conditioning
27           pts                   food
25            2                        1 egg
24           1                          oil
24           0                        veggies
23           1                        yogurt
22           1                       small orange
21            1                      sprinkle of parm cheese
18            3                        cottage cheese
18            o                        eggplant, onion, mushrooms, tomatos
17             1                         marinaria sauce
15            2                         low fat cheese
13            2                        bread crumbs
11            2                       a little more low fat cheese
9             3                        jellybelly jelly beans, my parents sent a package, I had to...
 I was then very tired and feel asleep before eating the remainder of my points. I did not do this on purpose.

Day 26- yoga
27          pts              food
27          0                 egg whites
27          0                 veggies
25          2                oil
24          1                 yogurt
23           1                1 piece of toast
22           1                 turkey bacon
20          2                 2 pieces of 7 grain bread
18          2                  2 pieces of low fat cheddar cheese
17          1                   1 small orange
13         4                   almonds
12         1                     low fat string cheese
11          1                      whole wheat crackers
10         1                     1/4 avocado
6           2                    a couple pieces of left over chicken
7           1                      very small amount of rice/bean mix
3           4                      2 tortillas
2           1                       yogurt
1            1                     orange
0           1                      sprinkle of coconut

Day 27- recovery day, but I worked for 15 hours on my feet
27          pts              food
27             0               2 egg whites
25             2                oil
25             0                 veggies
24              1                1 piece of toast
19              5                  roasted pork
17              2                  oil
9                8                 rice
I did not eat after this  because I was at work and was tasting some drinks as I made them and my restaurant made us Easter dinner ( pork and rice) and I did not know how it was prepared and what exactly was used. 

Lets keep it up everyone! Spring has sprung and I am feeling great!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! 11 pounds in 5 weeks is right on track to the 2 pounds a week deal!! YAY!

    PS: I'm posting a new blog tonight and you are mentioned in it!! Keep a look out!! :)
