Friday, April 1, 2011

Update, I did some research on points.

I am at a point where I truly do not know what to do. Today my food log is as follows:

28        pts                food
27         1                 frozen fruit
26         1                 skim milk
17         9                 1 cup pad thai with chicken, without tofo or peanuts
8           9                 1 more cup pad thai, I ate after a major workout and was starving. My workout was 1 hour yoga slimclass. The hardest yet and broke a major major sweat. I think I will stick to this one.
7           1                 jello moose

Ok, so I have seven points left for the day but 35 "bonus" left for the week. I know my weekend will be filled with work and know my healthy options to eat at both restaurants so I am not worried about that. I will also be walking and on my feet for 28 out of the next 48 hours. Why did I say yes to that again? O Back to the point...What to do? After doing some research this was the best advice I found.

"My leader stresses using all of your daily points, and she says you have to find out what works for you for the weekly points. I end up using almost all of mine and generally have a typical weight loss. Remember, your body needs so many calories and by not eating your daily points you might find your metabolism slows down and you don't lose weight as easily. Just an idea to think about. Hope this helps."  -weight watchers community on-line discussion board

I have decided to add 25 points to my day giving me 32 points for the rest of the evening. That sounds crazy to me, but I want to know what works for my body and want to iron this down week one. That also leaves me with 10 what I will call floater points. I may have made a mistake in counting and lets be honest, I might have a drink or two sunday night after work. I know I need to be good, but I also do not want to turn into that person who stays home and feels like I can not live my life because I am on a diet. From experience, that will make me resent the diet and want to quit. I am sorry I keep going off point. 

What to eat? Give a chubby girl the freedom of 32 points and she is bound to do something stupid. I want to make sure that I get in everything I need today and not waist points on nachos or something like that. I could use them all at Mcdonald's considering a big mac is 13 pts and a large fry is 11. No no no I'm not going to do that. I have had  fruit, milk, chicken, veggies, and rice noodles today. That is pretty balanced actually. O you guys I am lost!  I am flipping through my dinning out companion and Uno's is in there and they happen to deliver. I think I am going to go for it. 

I choose:
Avocado egg rolls to try and get some healthy fat with the avocados. 1 serving 6 points
Baked Stuffed chicken. Baked is better than fried and it is filled with feta, mozzarella, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, garlic and basil. Yummy! Again good fats! The whole chicken is 8 points. I also got two sides with the chicken. 1st broccoli 2 pts. That means they use oil to cook it. 2nd side skinless bake 12 pts. Chubby girl with freedom, this will be my one cheat item for the week. Thats a 28 point dinner. I can not do 32, it just makes me feel weird. I already feel like I am pushing it. This is either the best diet ever or the worst decision I have made all week. Find out with me monday! Enjoy your weekend!!!

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