Friday, April 15, 2011

New workout plan.

I have decided to change up my workout plan. I love doing yoga, but it is hard for me to do it everyday. I like schedules and marking off calendars so I can look back and see what I have accomplished. I think it is the visual learner in me. This is why weight watchers works for me. I like knowing how many points I have and looking back and seeing what worked and what did not.

For the remainder of my challenge, I am going to do the loose weight in 8 program on exercise tv.  It tells you day by day what to do and it still includes a lot of yoga. I am learning so I feel better about my workouts by following a schedule. If you want to start with me, I am starting today. I know its weird to start on a friday night, but I am done with saying, "Oh I will start on monday." I have been saying that for the past ten years.

Below is my food logs for yesterday and today.

Day 17 food log:

27                 pts                     food
24                  3                        TLC   chewy bar
19                  5                        Betty Crocker rice bowl
18                  1                        orange
17                  1                        94%  fat free popcorn
13                  4                        1 cup of rice
8                    5                        1 cup chicken tikka
5                    3                        vegetable somosa
3                    2                       1/2 order of naan
0                   3                         3 points worth of starbursts

Day 18  food log:
27                     pts                    food
25                     2                      dressing
23                     2                       apple
23                     0                      veggies
21                     2                     3 flatbreads
19                     2                      baked chips
19                     0                      salsa
17                     2                      chocolate chip cookie smart one
9                       8                      2 pieces of fiesta quesadilla smart one
3                       6                     steak and ranch flatbread smart one
0                       3                     2 med sized oranges

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