Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 4 Weigh In! Sorry for the delay.

I came across some challenges last week and I believe it affected my weigh in this week. As you know I had a little too much fun in Atlantic City and I got my little gift from mother nature. That being said, I lost 1 pound last week. Again, it is a loss, but it is just not happening for me like it has in the past.

A couple days ago I had a very interesting conversation with my roommate and had my "Oprah ah-ha" moment. First of all, I am getting down on myself for only loosing seven pounds in three weeks. In the past I could loose at least four to five pounds a week. My roommate responded as nice as he could, "ya, you were also thirty pounds heaver when you started last time."  He is right, I have to remember what I have accomplished and not take that away from myself. However,  this challenge is hard and will only get harder. But, life is hard and you have to stick with it. This challenge may be for 50 days but the battle will be for the rest of my life. It is just in the cards for me and I have to accept it. I can not get mad at the world for this one, I did get pretty lucky in the big brown eye department. See give and take.

That all being said I have kicked it up a notch. I am still counting weight watchers points but restricting what I am allowing myself to eat. I am following the food guide lines based on the loose weight in eight program that I talked about in my previous post. I want to take this challenge seriously for the next 25 days. Not that I haven't been, just pushing myself a little harder. I am sticking to the weight watchers points so when I reach a goal weight on this program, I can transition back to eating what I want with-in my points. I am also working out a lot harder and adding cardio in with yoga. We shall see...

Here is where I stand with my weight.

Current weight                                                                                      185 (-1)

Total weight loss                                                                                        -7

Remaining weight to hit 5% weight loss                                                    2.5

Remaning weight to hit 10% weight loss                                                    12

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                                35

Here is what my new diet plan looks like.

Day 22 " switching it up"

27          pts              food
25          2                1 egg
25          0                1 egg white
23          2                 turkey bacon
21          0                 oil for eggs
21          0                 veggies
20          1                 1 piece 7-grain toast
18          2                 2 pieces of 7-grain toast
18          0                 mustard / tomato
17          1                  fat -free cheese
16          1                  sliced turkey
14          2                  orange
9            4                   chicken( with taco seasoning)
8            1                   black beans and corn
6            2                    1/4  avocado
4            2                    light beer
3            1                     yogurt
1            2                    orange
1            1                     3 walnuts

day 23
27          0              2 egg whites
26          1                 turkey bacon
25          1               yogurt
24          1               1 piece toast
23          1               1 small orange
22          1               1/4 avocado
17          5                chicken
15          2                 tortilla
13          2                  1/2 cup of rice
12          1                 low fat cheese
9            3                 nuts
8            1                 3 whole grain crackers
7            1                 fat free string cheese
5            2                  oil( dressing)
5            0                  veggies
4            1                  turkey
2            2                  hummus
1             1                 crackers

Day 24 (today)
25          2                  1 egg
24          1                   yogurt
23          1                  1 piece of 7-grain bread
22          1                   oil
21          1                  turkey
20          1                  fat-free cheese
18          2                   2 pieces of 7-grain bread
10          8                  lean steak
9.5         1.5                1/2 sweet potato
5            4.5               oil ( philip's special sauce for steak)
4            1                  string cheese
2             2                  hummus
1             1                   small orange
0             1                  whole wheat crackers

Day 25 tomorrow...1/2 way! Im weighing in tomorrow for a 1/2 stat. Check in!!!

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