Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 6 weigh- in!

The past couple of days have been very heard for me. My Grandpa Coffield, who I mentioned in a previous post, died on Saturday night. He was a wonderful man and the life of the party. He always had very strong opinions and was never afraid to speak his mind. He taught me to never be ashamed of who I was, never take life too seriously and to find the humor during the hard times.  I will miss him dearly and I dedicate this entry to him.
I love you Grandpa!

So in his honer, and he would be proud to say, that I lost 2 pounds last week.

Current weight                                                                                 179 (-2)

Total Weight loss                                                                                -13

Remaining weight to hit 10% loss                                                         6

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                        29

I am going home for the week to be with my family and this will be my greatest challenge yet. I will do my best to log what I am eating, but I am not going to lie, it is going to be a hard week. A funeral is a time to eat with family and if you know anything about my family, we will be eating. I can do this. Small portions and better choices. I can do this....I can do this.

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