Friday, April 29, 2011

Life is a gift.

I got news today that my grandpa is not doing very well. He was rushed to the hospital and now I am at home waiting to hear what is going on with him. I feel sad inside and very guilty. I know that he would want me to be in NY but I can not help but feel like I should be home in Ohio. My whole family is there dealing with this and I feel helpless that I can not be there to do anything about it. I am sure I would just be taking up space in some waiting room, but I would be able to be with my family and tell my grandpa how much I love him.

I mention this because all I want to do is order junk food and chocolate cake. I would tell myself that everything is fine and "eat" my way through this pain until I was numb with fullness. Instead I  write, which I have found to be my new therapy and why I am writing now. I have realized that life is such a precious gift and I truly am done eating my way through it. I am also keeping busy because I have become very antsy. Please do not think I am heartless for posting at this time.

Here is what I have been eating the past couple of days.

Day 30- recovery day

27           pts                   food
25             2                     yogurt
24             1                    orange
22             2                   oats
21             1                   coconut
19             2                   2 pieces of toast
18             1                   turkey
17             1                    low-fat cheddar cheese
13             4                   2 makers mark and diet cokes
11            2                    oil dressing
11            0                     veggies
5               6                    1 meatball
0               5                   5 points worth of almonds

Day 31
27         pts              food
25           2              2 yogurts
26           1               turkey bacon
24           2              oats
23           1              small orange
22           1                coconut
14.5         7.5            homemade eggplant parm 1 serving
12.5          2              olive oil on veggies
12.5          0             asparagus and mushrooms
5             7.5            eggplant parm piece number so good
3             2                 2 points worth almonds, I felt like I needed some protein
2            1                 cracker whole wheat (2)
0           2                 hummus, again for the protein

What I have been doing is buying everything on the list of foods that I should be eating from the Loose weight in eight program and then I experiment with them. Cooking at home is fun and very tasty. Seriously. It is what I did last week and it worked so well. I hope the payoff is the same this week.

I also want to thank all of you who continue to read and give your support. Like I mentioned before, this has become a new therapy to me and the fact that you read this helps me and encourages me more than most of you will ever know. So thank you.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 5 weigh in! 5% weight loss complete!

Week 5 and I am feeling better than ever! I had a really great week last week and it showed on the scale, I lost 4 lbs. I AM SO excited about this and it is a nice feeling when hard work pays off. The weather is getting warmer and I am getting smaller, bikini here I come. Only 22 days left.

Side note- I have already decided to continue on this journey until I hit my goal weight of 150, but not to worry I will be in a bikini in 22 days.

My secrete this week- hard work outs, fresh fruit and veggies, new attitude.

Current weight                                                             181 (-4)

Total weight loss                                                           - 11

5% weight loss complete!                                                -

Remaning weight to hit 10% weight loss                                   8

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                31

Here is exactly what I have been eating and my workouts. This stuff is really working!!! Follow along and get motivated!

Day 25- Athletic Conditioning
27           pts                   food
25            2                        1 egg
24           1                          oil
24           0                        veggies
23           1                        yogurt
22           1                       small orange
21            1                      sprinkle of parm cheese
18            3                        cottage cheese
18            o                        eggplant, onion, mushrooms, tomatos
17             1                         marinaria sauce
15            2                         low fat cheese
13            2                        bread crumbs
11            2                       a little more low fat cheese
9             3                        jellybelly jelly beans, my parents sent a package, I had to...
 I was then very tired and feel asleep before eating the remainder of my points. I did not do this on purpose.

Day 26- yoga
27          pts              food
27          0                 egg whites
27          0                 veggies
25          2                oil
24          1                 yogurt
23           1                1 piece of toast
22           1                 turkey bacon
20          2                 2 pieces of 7 grain bread
18          2                  2 pieces of low fat cheddar cheese
17          1                   1 small orange
13         4                   almonds
12         1                     low fat string cheese
11          1                      whole wheat crackers
10         1                     1/4 avocado
6           2                    a couple pieces of left over chicken
7           1                      very small amount of rice/bean mix
3           4                      2 tortillas
2           1                       yogurt
1            1                     orange
0           1                      sprinkle of coconut

Day 27- recovery day, but I worked for 15 hours on my feet
27          pts              food
27             0               2 egg whites
25             2                oil
25             0                 veggies
24              1                1 piece of toast
19              5                  roasted pork
17              2                  oil
9                8                 rice
I did not eat after this  because I was at work and was tasting some drinks as I made them and my restaurant made us Easter dinner ( pork and rice) and I did not know how it was prepared and what exactly was used. 

Lets keep it up everyone! Spring has sprung and I am feeling great!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 4 Weigh In! Sorry for the delay.

I came across some challenges last week and I believe it affected my weigh in this week. As you know I had a little too much fun in Atlantic City and I got my little gift from mother nature. That being said, I lost 1 pound last week. Again, it is a loss, but it is just not happening for me like it has in the past.

A couple days ago I had a very interesting conversation with my roommate and had my "Oprah ah-ha" moment. First of all, I am getting down on myself for only loosing seven pounds in three weeks. In the past I could loose at least four to five pounds a week. My roommate responded as nice as he could, "ya, you were also thirty pounds heaver when you started last time."  He is right, I have to remember what I have accomplished and not take that away from myself. However,  this challenge is hard and will only get harder. But, life is hard and you have to stick with it. This challenge may be for 50 days but the battle will be for the rest of my life. It is just in the cards for me and I have to accept it. I can not get mad at the world for this one, I did get pretty lucky in the big brown eye department. See give and take.

That all being said I have kicked it up a notch. I am still counting weight watchers points but restricting what I am allowing myself to eat. I am following the food guide lines based on the loose weight in eight program that I talked about in my previous post. I want to take this challenge seriously for the next 25 days. Not that I haven't been, just pushing myself a little harder. I am sticking to the weight watchers points so when I reach a goal weight on this program, I can transition back to eating what I want with-in my points. I am also working out a lot harder and adding cardio in with yoga. We shall see...

Here is where I stand with my weight.

Current weight                                                                                      185 (-1)

Total weight loss                                                                                        -7

Remaining weight to hit 5% weight loss                                                    2.5

Remaning weight to hit 10% weight loss                                                    12

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                                35

Here is what my new diet plan looks like.

Day 22 " switching it up"

27          pts              food
25          2                1 egg
25          0                1 egg white
23          2                 turkey bacon
21          0                 oil for eggs
21          0                 veggies
20          1                 1 piece 7-grain toast
18          2                 2 pieces of 7-grain toast
18          0                 mustard / tomato
17          1                  fat -free cheese
16          1                  sliced turkey
14          2                  orange
9            4                   chicken( with taco seasoning)
8            1                   black beans and corn
6            2                    1/4  avocado
4            2                    light beer
3            1                     yogurt
1            2                    orange
1            1                     3 walnuts

day 23
27          0              2 egg whites
26          1                 turkey bacon
25          1               yogurt
24          1               1 piece toast
23          1               1 small orange
22          1               1/4 avocado
17          5                chicken
15          2                 tortilla
13          2                  1/2 cup of rice
12          1                 low fat cheese
9            3                 nuts
8            1                 3 whole grain crackers
7            1                 fat free string cheese
5            2                  oil( dressing)
5            0                  veggies
4            1                  turkey
2            2                  hummus
1             1                 crackers

Day 24 (today)
25          2                  1 egg
24          1                   yogurt
23          1                  1 piece of 7-grain bread
22          1                   oil
21          1                  turkey
20          1                  fat-free cheese
18          2                   2 pieces of 7-grain bread
10          8                  lean steak
9.5         1.5                1/2 sweet potato
5            4.5               oil ( philip's special sauce for steak)
4            1                  string cheese
2             2                  hummus
1             1                   small orange
0             1                  whole wheat crackers

Day 25 tomorrow...1/2 way! Im weighing in tomorrow for a 1/2 stat. Check in!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

New workout plan.

I have decided to change up my workout plan. I love doing yoga, but it is hard for me to do it everyday. I like schedules and marking off calendars so I can look back and see what I have accomplished. I think it is the visual learner in me. This is why weight watchers works for me. I like knowing how many points I have and looking back and seeing what worked and what did not.

For the remainder of my challenge, I am going to do the loose weight in 8 program on exercise tv.  It tells you day by day what to do and it still includes a lot of yoga. I am learning so I feel better about my workouts by following a schedule. If you want to start with me, I am starting today. I know its weird to start on a friday night, but I am done with saying, "Oh I will start on monday." I have been saying that for the past ten years.

Below is my food logs for yesterday and today.

Day 17 food log:

27                 pts                     food
24                  3                        TLC   chewy bar
19                  5                        Betty Crocker rice bowl
18                  1                        orange
17                  1                        94%  fat free popcorn
13                  4                        1 cup of rice
8                    5                        1 cup chicken tikka
5                    3                        vegetable somosa
3                    2                       1/2 order of naan
0                   3                         3 points worth of starbursts

Day 18  food log:
27                     pts                    food
25                     2                      dressing
23                     2                       apple
23                     0                      veggies
21                     2                     3 flatbreads
19                     2                      baked chips
19                     0                      salsa
17                     2                      chocolate chip cookie smart one
9                       8                      2 pieces of fiesta quesadilla smart one
3                       6                     steak and ranch flatbread smart one
0                       3                     2 med sized oranges

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 16 food log.

Back on track!!!  Yesterday, I made a choice to feel better and that was all that it took. Life is about choices and you can make a good one or a bad one. I hate the words right or wrong because who is to say what is right? I believe that pressure only leeds to disappointment and making you feel bad. I think choices have to be about feelings and what is right for you. I have always been told to do whats right, do your best and treat others the way you want to be treated. What I have learned in the last 17 days is to do whats right for you, do whats best for you, and treat others the way THEY want to be treated. We are all different, so why would we all want to be treated the same?  Make a choice and do what is right, for you!

Day 16 food log.

27         pts                       food
24         3                           TLC chewy bar
17         7                           weight watchers pizza
15         2                            3/4  cup dry special K
13         2                            3/4  cup dry special K
8           5                            turkey subway sub on whole wheat
7           1                            lt mayo
6           1                            cheese
5           1                            fat free lays
0           5                            10 slices of fresh pineapple

Day 17 food log tonight!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Feeling not good enough.

Feeling not good enough, what a concept. We all know that you are the only person who can truly make you happy.  We all know that if you can't love yourself than no one else can. But, do we all know that we run our lives trying to have all of this validated by others. If it is work, if it is a guy, we are all looking for validation. When you do not get what you want you feel not good enough or unwanted, and let me tell you I feel it. You should all know by now that my work situation is just not the best. I feel very unwanted and unappreciated at both restaurants I work at.  I have also just come to the realization that the guy I am "whatevering" with must just be more of a fantasy in my head. I do not want to go into for the protection of his privacy, but at this point it is fair to say that he is just not that into me.  I know I have to stop contact with him for the protection of my heart but what I really want to do is lay in  his arms to make myself feel wanted and validated in that moment. I am wiling to hurt myself for the hour of validation. What is wrong with me? 

Now I am feeling like I let down the person who cares most about me I took a trip to Atlantic City with my roommate to get out of New York and get away from all of this. We barely slept, drank too much and made bad decisions, it was great! BUT, when you are writing a blog and taking pictures of yourself in a bikini not the best decision.  I will tell you that we had some great food and I will tell you that there is no way I stayed with in my points yesterday. Should I feel bad about it, I honestly do not know what the answer is. Am I eating because I hate myself? I do not think so. I think I ate and drank like that because I was on vacation with my best friend and had a great time doing it. Here is what I do know: Everyone deserves to go on vacation, even if for a day, and do whatever you want to do while on vacation. Everyone has good days and bad days. I still feel worthy and I AM still number one on my list. I said I was doing this for myself and that has always been the truth.  So I am validating myself. I am here, being honest with you and going to wash my hands of the guy, suck it up at work, and laugh at the pictures I took on vacation. For all of you who have had bad days know you are not alone and I hope reading this makes you feel better, writing it sure did. 

Week 3 Weigh in!

Sorry week three is a little late, my roommate and I decided last minute to go to Atlantic City. That being said, I did not bring my laptop and "unplugged" from the world for a couple of days. More about the trip in a post to follow. But first, the good stuff!

Week three weigh in: 186 (-2)

Current weight                                                                                                                                       186
Total weight loss                                                                                                                                       6
Remaining weight to hit 5% weight loss                                                                                                3.5
Remaining weight to hit 10%  weight loss                                                                                              13
Remaining to goal weight   (150)                                                                                                             36

180's so I still get 27 points a day, roughly 50 cals per point so roughly 1350 cals a day.  Plus the 35 bonus.  

Am I happy with this yes, it is a loss, but I still feel like I can do better. Weight for me is such a battle and I just want results NOW! I know a healthy way to lose weight is slow and steady because you are more likely to keep it off, but who wants slow or steady? I am looking back at my log and asking  myself if I am doing everything right or if I am cheating myself. I honestly think I am doing everything right. Giving myself activity points and staying within my daily points is all I can do. As my dad would say, "keep it up sweetheart, you are doing great." I also know that if you are in this with me, he would be saying the same to you. So come on sweethearts, lets keep it up! 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Activity points, I totally forgot!

You guys, I completely forgot about activity points. How could I forget that ,you get to eat more!! After working out, a 50 min. high impact yoga workout, this is what I found.

" Just 20 minutes at high intensity or 40 minutes at moderate intensity earns an activity PointsPlus value of 4." -Weight watchers web site.  4 points does that seem right? So I dug a little deeper. I found this on a weight watchers chat site. Its not as crazy as it sounds.

The first thing you need to do is determine your level of activity to calculate your weight watchers activity points. To determine your level of activity you can either use your heart rate or a speaking test. If you are using heart rate to calculate your weight watchers activity points then 40-54% of your max heart rate is light, 55-69% is moderate, and 70% or more is intense. If you are using the talking test to calculate your weight watchers activity points then if you can have a full normal conversation, it is light, you can speak but it is slightly difficult is moderate, and difficult to speak is intense. This is extremely important when determining your weight watchers activity points.
  • The next step to determine your weight watchers activity points is have the number of minutes of activity your completed as well as your current weight. You will want to then multiply your current weight by the number of minutes you worked out. For example, if you worked out for 30 minutes and you weight 150 pounds, you would get 4500.

  • Once you have the number from step two you will need to multiple that by the number that corresponds to your activity level (as determined in step 1)to figure out your weight watchers activity points. For light activity,multiple the number by .000232, for moderate activity multiply by .000327, and for intense workouts multiply by 0008077. For example, if you weighed 150 pounds and worked out for 30 minutes at an intense level you would multiply 150*30*0008077. In this example, the person earned 3.6 weight watchers activity points.

    For me: weight 188 x 40 =7520 x .0008077= 6.07 so 6 points!

  • Food log day 10
    27      pts        food
    25        2          skim milk
    22       1           frozen fruit
    21        1          1 piece of whole wheat toast no butter
    17        4          2 eggs scrambled
    16        1           fat-free cheese
    16         0          fresh tomato
    22        +6         activity points
    21        1           veggie burger in lettuce wrap
    19        2           organic raw cheddar cheese
    16        3            avocado
    12        4            1/2  order onion rings
    6           6            3 makers and diets
    0           6            weight watchers mac and cheese

    Food log day 11
    27       pts            food
    25       2               oil dressing
    25       0                veggies
    23       2               3 flatbread crackers, everything flavor
    16       7               weight watchers pizza
    13       3               vegetable samosa
    9         4               rice
    4         5               chicken tikka masala
    0         4               garlic nan 

    Tomorrow starts weekend work extravaganza so check in monday for my second weigh in!

    Read more: How to Figure Out Weight Watchers Activity Points |

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Day 10! Great chicken taco recipe!

    Sorry I have been absent for a couple of days, life happens. I am happy to report that I have stayed on track with my points and feeling very motivated again. I have a  great recipe to share with my food logs below. Try it out, so delicious!

    Day 8 log
    27     pts        food
    24      3          Kashi  TLC chewy bar
    23      1          skim milk
    22      1          scrambled egg whites with veggies
    21      1          tzatziki sauce
    20      2          whole wheat pita
    15      5          chicken breast
    14      1          black bean and corn mix
    11      3          2 hard taco shells
    9        2          1 glass of wine
    8        1          fat free sour cream
    7        1          fat free cheese
    5        2          1 glass of wine
    3.5     1.5       1 taco shell, filled with the left over chicken I did not use for the first two tacos
    3          2         1/2 serving of fat free sour cream
    2          1          94% fat free popcorn
    0         2          weight watchers ice cream cone

    *Please not that in all food logs my points are based on 1 serving size.
    Chicken taco recipe:   Soooooo yummy!  Found in weight watchers cook book with my little spin.

    What you need:

    1 serving fat- free sour cream
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
    pinch of salt
    1 tablespoon of siracha or how ever you want to add some spice to your sour cream
    2 corn taco shells warmed in the oven
    1 chicken breast
    1 serving of fat free cheese
    shredded lettuce
    fresh chopped tomato
    fresh corn
    1 can of black beans
    1 lime
    1 packet of taco seasoning

    What to do:
    Cut up your chicken breast into cubes and cook in a pan with butter spray until almost done. Add taco seasoning to chicken, follow the directions on the back of the seasoning for best results. Cut up fresh corn and saute on low. Add black beans, lime juice and cilantro to the corn and keep warm for the perfect side dish. Combine sour cream, salt, pepper, lime juice, and siracha. Fill the taco shells with chicken, cheese, lettuce, and tomato; top with sour cream, a sprinkle of cilantro and lime juice. You will be very very happy. One of the best dinners ever and so healthy for you!

    Day 9 log:
    27      pts        food
    23       4          2 servings of special K
    21       2          1 cup skim milk
    14       7           weight watchers pizza
    12       2          baked lays
    9         3           7 grain flat breads
    6         3          goat cheese
    6         0          veggies
    4         2          oil based dressing
    3         1         94% fat free popcorn
    1         2          weight watchers ice cream
    0         1          a couple of baked lays

    Going to a bar tonight where temptation is high. Going to be a challenge, but I know I can do it. Check in tomorrow for my food log!

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Day 8. Rough day.

    After posting yesterday, I think I hit a wall. Bad news is I still feel in a funk.  I feel weak and not motivated. I am exhausted. I told myself I was going to work out last night and did not. I ended up eating way to much and sitting on the couch watching movies all night. The weekend took a lot out of me physically but I think it is the emotional part that is really getting me down. Work was very stressful at Jack and I am still sick about it. I can't get over it. I got into a huge fight with a co-worker and he is the kind of guy who will make my life a living hell for the next couple of weeks. I know I am a strong woman but the wrath of **** is like no other. I actually considered quitting just so I wouldn't have to deal with it.

    The damage I did last night to myself is bad, but not as bad as it could have been. I did stay in my points, I just used all of the 35 bonus. knowing that last week I was having such a hard time trying to figure out what to do with them ,it was such a battle in my head.  Food and emotions won. I was considering not telling the whole truth when writing this today, but that is not the point of all of this. I have to hold myself accountable for my actions and learn from them. And it is not about being honest with you all, it is about being honest with myself.

    Food log day 7
     27        pts                  food
    22          5                    turkey subway sub on whole wheat with lots of veggies
    21          1                   provolone cheese
    20          1                   light mayo
    19          1                   lays light chips original
    16          3                    stuffed mushrooms
    6           10                  chicken parm
    0            6                   mozz cheese

    Bonus 35
    35           pts               food
    25           10               the other breast of chicken parm
    19             6              mozz cheese
    15             4              2 slices of bread without butter
    11             4               1cup of spaghetti
    0              11              chocolate frozen yogurt from ben and jerry's    1 pint.....ugggh I told myself to eat the whole pint so it would not be in the house today. Good, bad, who knows?

    After getting that all out I feel better. No more feeling sorry for myself. I am headed to the store to get healthy food back in the house and I am going to make myself a very nice dinner. I love myself, I am worthy of this. Repeat.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Week 2 Weigh In- Day 7!!!!

    What a busy busy emotional weekend. I can honestly say I have never been so tired. My legs and feet have never hurt so much. For those of you who know what this means, I have "band camp" feet. Pay off - rent made in two days of work. Was it worth it- not really. 

    I started this extravaganza feeling like a very strong woman who could accomplish anything. That all came to a crashing reality after my first of four shifts of the weekend. I am not going to bore you with the story but I wanted to cry at the end of the shift. I bring this up because of the emotional side of eating. Most of us know that food is comforting in time of stress and feeling crappy. I am proud to say that through all of this, I did not cheat and stayed within my points. In the past I would have binged, instead I stayed focused and pulled through for myself and for that I am proud! Below is my food log.

    28    pts         food
    27     1           egg whites with veggies
    25     2          oil, I was at work where they use oil
    20     5           chicken breast
    14     6           goat cheese
    14     0           veggies
    12     2           oil
    10     2           1/2 order of whole wheat pita
    7       3           corn chips
    5       2          guacamole
    5       0          drink tasting at work

    28    pts          food
    27     1            egg whites with veggies
    25     2            oil
    20     5            chicken breast
    14     6            goat cheese
    12     2            oil
    12     o            veggies
    10     2            1/2 order of whole wheat pita
    7       3            pita chips
    5       2            hummus
    5       0           margarita

    I keep 10 extra points for drinks on Sunday, so I had two more margaritas after work for 10pts. (5 a piece)

    Ok now for the good stuff!!!!!!!!   Did it work???
    Week 2 weigh in: 188 (- 4 )     

    180's so now I get 27 points a day, roughly 50 cals per point so roughly 1350 cals a day.  Plus the 35 bonus. 


    Current weight                                                                  188
    Total weight loss                                                                  4 lbs
    Remaining weight to hit 10% loss                                       15 lbs

    Remaining weight to hit 5%   loss                                        5.5 lbs

    Long term goal weight                                                    150 (-38 lbs to go)   

    I did not however do yoga sat or sun. To be honest, I had no time to. I am giving my legs a rest for the afternoon, but plan on doing yoga this evening. I have to get stronger, I can do this! Will also post day 7 food log at the end of the evening. 

    Happy yes! Really really really happy no. I think I can do better than that. I am going to continue following the program and doing my best. How did you do? Lets keep it up guys!

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Update, I did some research on points.

    I am at a point where I truly do not know what to do. Today my food log is as follows:

    28        pts                food
    27         1                 frozen fruit
    26         1                 skim milk
    17         9                 1 cup pad thai with chicken, without tofo or peanuts
    8           9                 1 more cup pad thai, I ate after a major workout and was starving. My workout was 1 hour yoga slimclass. The hardest yet and broke a major major sweat. I think I will stick to this one.
    7           1                 jello moose

    Ok, so I have seven points left for the day but 35 "bonus" left for the week. I know my weekend will be filled with work and know my healthy options to eat at both restaurants so I am not worried about that. I will also be walking and on my feet for 28 out of the next 48 hours. Why did I say yes to that again? O Back to the point...What to do? After doing some research this was the best advice I found.

    "My leader stresses using all of your daily points, and she says you have to find out what works for you for the weekly points. I end up using almost all of mine and generally have a typical weight loss. Remember, your body needs so many calories and by not eating your daily points you might find your metabolism slows down and you don't lose weight as easily. Just an idea to think about. Hope this helps."  -weight watchers community on-line discussion board

    I have decided to add 25 points to my day giving me 32 points for the rest of the evening. That sounds crazy to me, but I want to know what works for my body and want to iron this down week one. That also leaves me with 10 what I will call floater points. I may have made a mistake in counting and lets be honest, I might have a drink or two sunday night after work. I know I need to be good, but I also do not want to turn into that person who stays home and feels like I can not live my life because I am on a diet. From experience, that will make me resent the diet and want to quit. I am sorry I keep going off point. 

    What to eat? Give a chubby girl the freedom of 32 points and she is bound to do something stupid. I want to make sure that I get in everything I need today and not waist points on nachos or something like that. I could use them all at Mcdonald's considering a big mac is 13 pts and a large fry is 11. No no no I'm not going to do that. I have had  fruit, milk, chicken, veggies, and rice noodles today. That is pretty balanced actually. O you guys I am lost!  I am flipping through my dinning out companion and Uno's is in there and they happen to deliver. I think I am going to go for it. 

    I choose:
    Avocado egg rolls to try and get some healthy fat with the avocados. 1 serving 6 points
    Baked Stuffed chicken. Baked is better than fried and it is filled with feta, mozzarella, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, garlic and basil. Yummy! Again good fats! The whole chicken is 8 points. I also got two sides with the chicken. 1st broccoli 2 pts. That means they use oil to cook it. 2nd side skinless bake 12 pts. Chubby girl with freedom, this will be my one cheat item for the week. Thats a 28 point dinner. I can not do 32, it just makes me feel weird. I already feel like I am pushing it. This is either the best diet ever or the worst decision I have made all week. Find out with me monday! Enjoy your weekend!!!

    Day 4 food log/ day 5

    Life happens and I had a "date" last night so I apologize for not posting yesterday. It is easy to be good when you have the day off without distractions, but it is the distractions that make life fun and exciting. Tomorrow I start a work extravaganza doing two doubles in a row at two different restaurants. Please do not expect much from me over the weekend, I will be keeping track of my food and will give you a huge update on monday along with my first weigh-in. I am actually excited for the weight-in because I feel great about what I have been doing.

    Ok back to business. Yesterday my body was sore and tired. It felt like someone had punched me in my ribs. I know you have muscles there but who knew those little babies could hurt so bad. I decided to do an active recovery work out. It was great. Nice stretching and uhhhgggg abs. But hey, you can never do too many sit-ups right. After that, my wonderful roommate, had the idea to try belly dancing. So we did and it was so much fun. I would by no means call it a workout, but it made me feel sexy and put me in the right mood for the evening. =)

    Day 4 food log
    28            pts               food
    26            2                 special k
    25            1                 1/2 cup skim milk
    18            7                 weight watchers pizza
    15            3                 pita chips
    8              7                 weight watchers lasagna
    5              3                 pita chips
    0              5                 almonds

    Yesterdays challenge: This is a weird one. I have always been told that while on weight watchers you have to eat all of your points everyday. Plus you have to use your 35 bonus points per week. Last night, after my "friend" left, I was not very hungry and it was late and did not want to eat, but still had 5 points left. I did not know what to do so I ate 5 points worth of almonds. Challenge complete!

    Am I right in saying this? Any advice? Your comments are welcome and much appreciated!