Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 50! Bikini pics up!

50 days, what a journey and eye opening experience this has been for me. When I started, I was focused on food and exercise, and of course that is half of this on-going battle. However, I have recently discovered that the other half of the battle is to keep going and finish what you started. In my opinion that is the hardest part.

We all start new journeys and projects excited, motivated and ready for a challenge. For the first 35 days of my challenge, that is what I felt. Nothing could stop me. I was on point with my eating habits and exercising daily. Then life sets in and things got really hard for me.

I went to Ohio and tried to be healthy and motivated and basically lost it. It was a hard time for me and all involved so I resorted  back to old habits and comforted myself with food. When I returned back to New york, I could not get out of the funk I was in. I knew this feeling well and I had been here before. I was lazy, tired, sad; I did not care anymore. O well I thought, I tried.

A couple days ago I was flipping through my notebook and I came across a note I wrote to myself day 1 when I started this challenge.
     You did it baby! I am so proud of you for sticking to this and finishing. You know you can do anything     you put your mind to. Go get in that bikini and get to the beach. I love you, you are beautiful.

 "You have always had the power my dear and you will always have it." Glinda the Good Witch

What am I thinking???? I am such an idiot.  Do not stop, keep going. And that is what I am going to do. I debated if I should still post pictures or even continue on this public journey. And yes I am . The one thing that I never thought could pull me out of this was myself. Even though I am not at my goal weight, I have to celebrate what I have done and keep a promise to myself and finish my 50 day challenge. I am going to continue my blog so I hope that you still continue to read and reinforce the positive in my life. Below are my pictures..

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 6 weigh- in!

The past couple of days have been very heard for me. My Grandpa Coffield, who I mentioned in a previous post, died on Saturday night. He was a wonderful man and the life of the party. He always had very strong opinions and was never afraid to speak his mind. He taught me to never be ashamed of who I was, never take life too seriously and to find the humor during the hard times.  I will miss him dearly and I dedicate this entry to him.
I love you Grandpa!

So in his honer, and he would be proud to say, that I lost 2 pounds last week.

Current weight                                                                                 179 (-2)

Total Weight loss                                                                                -13

Remaining weight to hit 10% loss                                                         6

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                        29

I am going home for the week to be with my family and this will be my greatest challenge yet. I will do my best to log what I am eating, but I am not going to lie, it is going to be a hard week. A funeral is a time to eat with family and if you know anything about my family, we will be eating. I can do this. Small portions and better choices. I can do this....I can do this.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Life is a gift.

I got news today that my grandpa is not doing very well. He was rushed to the hospital and now I am at home waiting to hear what is going on with him. I feel sad inside and very guilty. I know that he would want me to be in NY but I can not help but feel like I should be home in Ohio. My whole family is there dealing with this and I feel helpless that I can not be there to do anything about it. I am sure I would just be taking up space in some waiting room, but I would be able to be with my family and tell my grandpa how much I love him.

I mention this because all I want to do is order junk food and chocolate cake. I would tell myself that everything is fine and "eat" my way through this pain until I was numb with fullness. Instead I  write, which I have found to be my new therapy and why I am writing now. I have realized that life is such a precious gift and I truly am done eating my way through it. I am also keeping busy because I have become very antsy. Please do not think I am heartless for posting at this time.

Here is what I have been eating the past couple of days.

Day 30- recovery day

27           pts                   food
25             2                     yogurt
24             1                    orange
22             2                   oats
21             1                   coconut
19             2                   2 pieces of toast
18             1                   turkey
17             1                    low-fat cheddar cheese
13             4                   2 makers mark and diet cokes
11            2                    oil dressing
11            0                     veggies
5               6                    1 meatball
0               5                   5 points worth of almonds

Day 31
27         pts              food
25           2              2 yogurts
26           1               turkey bacon
24           2              oats
23           1              small orange
22           1                coconut
14.5         7.5            homemade eggplant parm 1 serving
12.5          2              olive oil on veggies
12.5          0             asparagus and mushrooms
5             7.5            eggplant parm piece number so good
3             2                 2 points worth almonds, I felt like I needed some protein
2            1                 cracker whole wheat (2)
0           2                 hummus, again for the protein

What I have been doing is buying everything on the list of foods that I should be eating from the Loose weight in eight program and then I experiment with them. Cooking at home is fun and very tasty. Seriously. It is what I did last week and it worked so well. I hope the payoff is the same this week.

I also want to thank all of you who continue to read and give your support. Like I mentioned before, this has become a new therapy to me and the fact that you read this helps me and encourages me more than most of you will ever know. So thank you.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 5 weigh in! 5% weight loss complete!

Week 5 and I am feeling better than ever! I had a really great week last week and it showed on the scale, I lost 4 lbs. I AM SO excited about this and it is a nice feeling when hard work pays off. The weather is getting warmer and I am getting smaller, bikini here I come. Only 22 days left.

Side note- I have already decided to continue on this journey until I hit my goal weight of 150, but not to worry I will be in a bikini in 22 days.

My secrete this week- hard work outs, fresh fruit and veggies, new attitude.

Current weight                                                             181 (-4)

Total weight loss                                                           - 11

5% weight loss complete!                                                -

Remaning weight to hit 10% weight loss                                   8

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                31

Here is exactly what I have been eating and my workouts. This stuff is really working!!! Follow along and get motivated!

Day 25- Athletic Conditioning
27           pts                   food
25            2                        1 egg
24           1                          oil
24           0                        veggies
23           1                        yogurt
22           1                       small orange
21            1                      sprinkle of parm cheese
18            3                        cottage cheese
18            o                        eggplant, onion, mushrooms, tomatos
17             1                         marinaria sauce
15            2                         low fat cheese
13            2                        bread crumbs
11            2                       a little more low fat cheese
9             3                        jellybelly jelly beans, my parents sent a package, I had to...
 I was then very tired and feel asleep before eating the remainder of my points. I did not do this on purpose.

Day 26- yoga
27          pts              food
27          0                 egg whites
27          0                 veggies
25          2                oil
24          1                 yogurt
23           1                1 piece of toast
22           1                 turkey bacon
20          2                 2 pieces of 7 grain bread
18          2                  2 pieces of low fat cheddar cheese
17          1                   1 small orange
13         4                   almonds
12         1                     low fat string cheese
11          1                      whole wheat crackers
10         1                     1/4 avocado
6           2                    a couple pieces of left over chicken
7           1                      very small amount of rice/bean mix
3           4                      2 tortillas
2           1                       yogurt
1            1                     orange
0           1                      sprinkle of coconut

Day 27- recovery day, but I worked for 15 hours on my feet
27          pts              food
27             0               2 egg whites
25             2                oil
25             0                 veggies
24              1                1 piece of toast
19              5                  roasted pork
17              2                  oil
9                8                 rice
I did not eat after this  because I was at work and was tasting some drinks as I made them and my restaurant made us Easter dinner ( pork and rice) and I did not know how it was prepared and what exactly was used. 

Lets keep it up everyone! Spring has sprung and I am feeling great!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 4 Weigh In! Sorry for the delay.

I came across some challenges last week and I believe it affected my weigh in this week. As you know I had a little too much fun in Atlantic City and I got my little gift from mother nature. That being said, I lost 1 pound last week. Again, it is a loss, but it is just not happening for me like it has in the past.

A couple days ago I had a very interesting conversation with my roommate and had my "Oprah ah-ha" moment. First of all, I am getting down on myself for only loosing seven pounds in three weeks. In the past I could loose at least four to five pounds a week. My roommate responded as nice as he could, "ya, you were also thirty pounds heaver when you started last time."  He is right, I have to remember what I have accomplished and not take that away from myself. However,  this challenge is hard and will only get harder. But, life is hard and you have to stick with it. This challenge may be for 50 days but the battle will be for the rest of my life. It is just in the cards for me and I have to accept it. I can not get mad at the world for this one, I did get pretty lucky in the big brown eye department. See give and take.

That all being said I have kicked it up a notch. I am still counting weight watchers points but restricting what I am allowing myself to eat. I am following the food guide lines based on the loose weight in eight program that I talked about in my previous post. I want to take this challenge seriously for the next 25 days. Not that I haven't been, just pushing myself a little harder. I am sticking to the weight watchers points so when I reach a goal weight on this program, I can transition back to eating what I want with-in my points. I am also working out a lot harder and adding cardio in with yoga. We shall see...

Here is where I stand with my weight.

Current weight                                                                                      185 (-1)

Total weight loss                                                                                        -7

Remaining weight to hit 5% weight loss                                                    2.5

Remaning weight to hit 10% weight loss                                                    12

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                                35

Here is what my new diet plan looks like.

Day 22 " switching it up"

27          pts              food
25          2                1 egg
25          0                1 egg white
23          2                 turkey bacon
21          0                 oil for eggs
21          0                 veggies
20          1                 1 piece 7-grain toast
18          2                 2 pieces of 7-grain toast
18          0                 mustard / tomato
17          1                  fat -free cheese
16          1                  sliced turkey
14          2                  orange
9            4                   chicken( with taco seasoning)
8            1                   black beans and corn
6            2                    1/4  avocado
4            2                    light beer
3            1                     yogurt
1            2                    orange
1            1                     3 walnuts

day 23
27          0              2 egg whites
26          1                 turkey bacon
25          1               yogurt
24          1               1 piece toast
23          1               1 small orange
22          1               1/4 avocado
17          5                chicken
15          2                 tortilla
13          2                  1/2 cup of rice
12          1                 low fat cheese
9            3                 nuts
8            1                 3 whole grain crackers
7            1                 fat free string cheese
5            2                  oil( dressing)
5            0                  veggies
4            1                  turkey
2            2                  hummus
1             1                 crackers

Day 24 (today)
25          2                  1 egg
24          1                   yogurt
23          1                  1 piece of 7-grain bread
22          1                   oil
21          1                  turkey
20          1                  fat-free cheese
18          2                   2 pieces of 7-grain bread
10          8                  lean steak
9.5         1.5                1/2 sweet potato
5            4.5               oil ( philip's special sauce for steak)
4            1                  string cheese
2             2                  hummus
1             1                   small orange
0             1                  whole wheat crackers

Day 25 tomorrow...1/2 way! Im weighing in tomorrow for a 1/2 stat. Check in!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

New workout plan.

I have decided to change up my workout plan. I love doing yoga, but it is hard for me to do it everyday. I like schedules and marking off calendars so I can look back and see what I have accomplished. I think it is the visual learner in me. This is why weight watchers works for me. I like knowing how many points I have and looking back and seeing what worked and what did not.

For the remainder of my challenge, I am going to do the loose weight in 8 program on exercise tv.  It tells you day by day what to do and it still includes a lot of yoga. I am learning so I feel better about my workouts by following a schedule. If you want to start with me, I am starting today. I know its weird to start on a friday night, but I am done with saying, "Oh I will start on monday." I have been saying that for the past ten years.

Below is my food logs for yesterday and today.

Day 17 food log:

27                 pts                     food
24                  3                        TLC   chewy bar
19                  5                        Betty Crocker rice bowl
18                  1                        orange
17                  1                        94%  fat free popcorn
13                  4                        1 cup of rice
8                    5                        1 cup chicken tikka
5                    3                        vegetable somosa
3                    2                       1/2 order of naan
0                   3                         3 points worth of starbursts

Day 18  food log:
27                     pts                    food
25                     2                      dressing
23                     2                       apple
23                     0                      veggies
21                     2                     3 flatbreads
19                     2                      baked chips
19                     0                      salsa
17                     2                      chocolate chip cookie smart one
9                       8                      2 pieces of fiesta quesadilla smart one
3                       6                     steak and ranch flatbread smart one
0                       3                     2 med sized oranges

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 16 food log.

Back on track!!!  Yesterday, I made a choice to feel better and that was all that it took. Life is about choices and you can make a good one or a bad one. I hate the words right or wrong because who is to say what is right? I believe that pressure only leeds to disappointment and making you feel bad. I think choices have to be about feelings and what is right for you. I have always been told to do whats right, do your best and treat others the way you want to be treated. What I have learned in the last 17 days is to do whats right for you, do whats best for you, and treat others the way THEY want to be treated. We are all different, so why would we all want to be treated the same?  Make a choice and do what is right, for you!

Day 16 food log.

27         pts                       food
24         3                           TLC chewy bar
17         7                           weight watchers pizza
15         2                            3/4  cup dry special K
13         2                            3/4  cup dry special K
8           5                            turkey subway sub on whole wheat
7           1                            lt mayo
6           1                            cheese
5           1                            fat free lays
0           5                            10 slices of fresh pineapple

Day 17 food log tonight!