Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 3 with food log.

I woke up a very sore girl today,yesterdays workout was great and I can really feel it in my abs. Yes! Today I did 10lb slimdown yoga on exercise tv on demand. I have been criticized for working out at home and following the programs on demand. I must say I love it. I am not ready to go to public classes and when you fall out of a yoga pose nobody knows excerpt for your cat. So screw you haters, for me it works.

Day 3 food log-

28              pts                   food
27               1                     Dole frozen fruit
26               1                     skim milk                         ( combine together to make awesome smoothie)
19               7                     weight watchers pizza
18              1                      vegan boca burger
18              0                      mustard          
15              3                      koshi honey almond flax chewy bar
15              0                      greens
13              2                      olive oil
10              3                      stacy's pita chips
8                2                      sabra roasted garlic hummus
1                7                     rice chrispy bar        
 ( I know what you are thinking, what a waist of points,  but this is why I love weight watchers. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stayed within your points. You'll see.)
0               1                  Jello moose temptations
  ( I must really be craving sweets today.)

Daily Challenge- It was my first day at work on this new program. I work at a french bistro and we serve the most amazing frits with delicious sauces. Come check us out 11th and University =) But anyway, it always smells so good and you know how it is the guys in the kitchen will make a little extra for us and it is very hard to say no. But I did, challenge complete!


food log day 2

28        pts                   food
27         1                     dole tropical frozen fruit
25.5     1.5                   skim milk            
24.5      1                     vegan burger
24.5      0                     mustard
22.5      2                    snack factory pretzel crisps
20.5      2                    special k
19.5      1                    skim milk
9.5        10                  steak
8.5        1.5                 parmesan cheese
8.5          0                   greens
4.5         4                   2 glasses of wine
2.5         2                   olive oil dressing
0            2                   94% fat free pop- corn

Daily Challenge: I met a friend for dinner and drinks tonight. When I got there she had ordered a bottle of wine and a cheese plate appetizer. *^$*!  Not the cheese plate, I LOVE the cheese plate. But, I was a good girl and ordered a salad.  Day two challenge complete!              

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 2!

Hello friends!
Today I woke up feeling great! I had a goodnights sleep and ready for a more challenging work out. I was not sore at all from yesterday, and that can not be a good sign.  So I tried something new.
Daily workout: Exercise TV on demand. Yoga Sculpt loose weight in 8. Runtime 33 min.

Ohhhh wow, now that was a workout. It is not truly yoga, but uses yoga poses and incorporates weight lifting. You do eight exercises and repeat all eight three times. I broke a major sweat and I am pretty sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. Try it out, I really liked it.

Later tonight I will be posting what I ate and my daily challenge.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Food log day 1 with my first pictures.

If you have been following you will know that I have 28 points that I can eat today. Here is what I ate, get inspired!
28             pts            food
24             4               2 eggs over med
22             2                1slice of whole wheat toast dry
20             2                oil, I know I just bought butter spray
13             7                weight watchers pizza
10             3                Kashi TLC chewy granola bar
6               4                 I serving of hoisin pork stir-fry from the weight watchers cook book
3               3                 I cup uncle ben's 90 sec whole grain rice
1                2                94% fat-free pop corn
0                1                jello moose temptation dark chocolate

Challenge for the day- After having a staff meeting at work the owner offered us a bunch of yummy appetizers and wine on the house. OMG, I was starving after a two hour meeting and everything smelled so good. And, free wine, who can say no to that? THIS GIRL! I left after the meeting, went to the store, came home and made a delicious dinner. Day 1 challenge complete. 

Below are my "before pics". Not my proudest moment, but it is a great motivator to see yourself this way. In the end I will be glad I took these pictures.

Day 1! Getting started.

I woke up today feeling ready for the challenge and now I am sitting here a little freaked out. I weighed in this morning and I am embarrassed at what I saw. My heaviest weight was 220ish. I can not be sure if that was the heaviest because at that time I was in a pretty bad spot and was obviously not on the scale everyday. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a man who was doing some pretty nasty things behind my back. But this is not about him, this is about me.  Damn it!

Last year when I started weight watchers I weighed in at 214.6 and when I stopped going to the meetings I weighed 180 (-34lbs) Today I weigh 192, I can't believe I just told you that..whewwwww that is a lot for me. But this is why I am doing this. I am being honest with myself and all of you for the first time in my life and this accountability to myself is a feeling like I have never had before. I am embarrassed of my weight, but for the first time I am at peace with myself and have this "gut" feeling that I am going to do this! So lets do it!

For all of you who are following along with the program here is the breakdown. I am doing the 2010 weight watchers because it worked in the past and honestly I can not afford to join again right now. I have all the 2010 books so thats what I am going to use. Weight watchers is based on points and you get a certain number of points based on a magic number that weight watchers gives you.
1. Take the first two digits of your weight in pounds                    19
2. male(8) female(2) WTF                                                              2
3. Age, im in a new category (27-37)                                             3
4. Height 5'8                                                                                   1
5. Daily activity  (server, walking around the city)                         3
6.Nursing mom, umm no                                                                0

Total points                                                                                  28

I get 28 points a day, roughly 50 cals per point so roughly 1400 cals a day. Also weight watchers gives you an extra 35 points a week to do whatever you want with. I call those bad day points. =)
Weight watchers also likes to set goals, first being losing 5%.
Current weight                                                                           192
Cross off the last number                                                            19
What remains is 10% of starting weight                                      19
Divide in half for 5%                                                                  9.5 lbs

Long term goal weight goal                                                     150 (-42 lbs)
I got this number based on a chart saying that if you are 5'8 you should weigh between 137 and 164. My challenge is to be in a bikini in 50 days not loss 42 lbs so I am not going to let that number get me down. And that would be almost a pound a day, crazier things have happened.

My workout today: Exercise TV on Demand. Yoga Works Begin. 58 min Runtime. Introduction to the practice of yoga.
Review: It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, I didn't even break a sweat. But, it was very informative if you are brand new to the practice. It was also I great stretch for my body and will do it again when my body needs a "day off". Tomorrow I will try something a little harder.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome to the Challenge!

     In summer of 2010, I found myself chubby, single, and crying on the corer of 11th street in New York City. In that instant of my life I felt defeated. I was a twenty-six year old waitress making barley enough money to afford the mold in my bathtub. I had moved to the city the previous year full of hope and new beginnings, as all of us do. The experience however can be summed up by the words of Charles Dickens,
"We spent as much money as we could and got as little for it as people could make up their minds to give us. We were always more or less miserable, and most of our acquaintances were in the same condition. There was a gay fiction among us that we were constantly enjoying ourselves, and a skeleton truth that we never did. To the best of my belief, our case was in the last aspect a rather common one."
                                            Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

     After going to the wedding of the boy I loved in high school, watching my baby sister graduate from college and getting a letter from my vet addressed to Katie Drennen, my gay roommates last name, you can understand the breakdown on 11th street. I did not. I could not understand why I was always single, always struggling with my weight. Dare I say it, struggling to succeed. What do I do? How do I get out of this hole I'm in?

    That was almost a year ago. I will say I have lost 30 lbs well 25-30 depending on time of the month and if the guy I'm, whatever we are doing, decides to text me back that day or not. You know how it is. But lets be honest, I'm still chubby, still single, and now I am a 27 year old waitress. SHIT! A whole year went by with nothing to show for it, never again. I have spent my life taking care of others, doing what everyone else wants to do, living my life through the happiness of others. Well today I am putting myself on the list. In fact, I am putting myself number one on the list.

    I have decided to challenge myself with the first challenge being, gulp, bikini ready in 50 days. I am going to follow weight watchers and do yoga for the next 50 days. This challenge is not to attract a man, it is for me only. I have never worn a bikini in public and its now or never before I get too saggy. Time to breath and refocus, step out and look at my life. I am worthy and deserve this and will never again let anyone, especially a man, tell me different.

Day 1 starts Monday with weigh-in and pictures.

All I wanna know is, who's coming with me?