Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 50! Bikini pics up!

50 days, what a journey and eye opening experience this has been for me. When I started, I was focused on food and exercise, and of course that is half of this on-going battle. However, I have recently discovered that the other half of the battle is to keep going and finish what you started. In my opinion that is the hardest part.

We all start new journeys and projects excited, motivated and ready for a challenge. For the first 35 days of my challenge, that is what I felt. Nothing could stop me. I was on point with my eating habits and exercising daily. Then life sets in and things got really hard for me.

I went to Ohio and tried to be healthy and motivated and basically lost it. It was a hard time for me and all involved so I resorted  back to old habits and comforted myself with food. When I returned back to New york, I could not get out of the funk I was in. I knew this feeling well and I had been here before. I was lazy, tired, sad; I did not care anymore. O well I thought, I tried.

A couple days ago I was flipping through my notebook and I came across a note I wrote to myself day 1 when I started this challenge.
     You did it baby! I am so proud of you for sticking to this and finishing. You know you can do anything     you put your mind to. Go get in that bikini and get to the beach. I love you, you are beautiful.

 "You have always had the power my dear and you will always have it." Glinda the Good Witch

What am I thinking???? I am such an idiot.  Do not stop, keep going. And that is what I am going to do. I debated if I should still post pictures or even continue on this public journey. And yes I am . The one thing that I never thought could pull me out of this was myself. Even though I am not at my goal weight, I have to celebrate what I have done and keep a promise to myself and finish my 50 day challenge. I am going to continue my blog so I hope that you still continue to read and reinforce the positive in my life. Below are my pictures..

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 6 weigh- in!

The past couple of days have been very heard for me. My Grandpa Coffield, who I mentioned in a previous post, died on Saturday night. He was a wonderful man and the life of the party. He always had very strong opinions and was never afraid to speak his mind. He taught me to never be ashamed of who I was, never take life too seriously and to find the humor during the hard times.  I will miss him dearly and I dedicate this entry to him.
I love you Grandpa!

So in his honer, and he would be proud to say, that I lost 2 pounds last week.

Current weight                                                                                 179 (-2)

Total Weight loss                                                                                -13

Remaining weight to hit 10% loss                                                         6

Remaining weight to goal weight                                                        29

I am going home for the week to be with my family and this will be my greatest challenge yet. I will do my best to log what I am eating, but I am not going to lie, it is going to be a hard week. A funeral is a time to eat with family and if you know anything about my family, we will be eating. I can do this. Small portions and better choices. I can do this....I can do this.